Big Time

This November, The Amazing Spider-Man will start the 'Big Time' story line. There is a TON of changes and characters in this new Spider-Man era. Among the changes will be a new host for Venom. In the teaser poster above, you can see Venom make an appearance in the middle of the 'T' and top of the 'M' in 'TIME.' Also, in a variant cover of the first issue (see below), Amazing Spider-Man 648, you can see an old school Venom (to the right of Spidey's belt) and Carange (below Spidey's right collar). It was already announced at Comic Con that Gargan would return as the Scorpion and the symbiote would go off looking for a new host. Hopefully with a new host and a new beginning, 2011 turns out to be the year of Venom!