So the article tells us that issue #1 will be Doc Doom and Nomar...issue #3 will be the Skrull...issue #4 will be an 'existing character'...so I guess we can plan on seeing the symbiote in issue #2?
I loved the way they brought back Carnage in last years limited series and I'm excited to see what they do with Venom. Spider-Man/Fantastic Four comes out this July. If you want to read the full article, click here to go to Marvel.com.
Comicbookresources.com posted an interview they did with the writer at C2E2; it looks like I was correct in assuming the symbiote would make an appearance in issue #2:
" Our second issue occurs during the John Byrne run, when She-Hulk had replaced the Thing on the FF. Dan Slott actually made an inspired suggestion surrounding the fact that it was the FF who helped Spider-Man get free of the symbiotic black costume that eventually became Venom - and Mario did such an amazing job drawing Carnage last time around, I jumped at it. So look for more symbiote shenanigans! "
Click here to read the entire interview at Comicbookresources.com