Sep 1, 2013

tvs 5th anniversary giveaway

5 Years Old

Greetings TVSers!  September marks the 5th anniversary of TheVenomSite and I just wanted to thank each and every one of you - The Devoted who check in every day, The Casuals who chime in during our 'Talk Abouts' every once and awhile, and The Lurkers who like to visit and just read about their favorite symbiotes.

As a thank you to the 200+ who Liked on Facebook, the 300+ Tumblr Followers, the 600+ Twitter Followers, and the close to 1000 subscribers on Reddit I would like to give away the digital codes to each issue of Superior Carnage.

If you want to win all 5 codes (one for each issue), simply leave a comment on this post about why you are a symbiote fan.  It can be a sentence or a paragraph.  Also, tag your post with your Reddit (ex. Reddit: TheVenomSite) or Twitter (ex. Twitter: TheVenomSite) name so that I can direct message you the codes when they become available.  Sorry, but those are the only two sites I am using to get the codes to the winner; you can sign up for free if you don't have one of those accounts.

The contest will run from September 1st until September 18th (when Superior Carnage 3 is scheduled to be released).  On September 18th, I will randomly select one commenter and he/she will receive the codes for issue 1, 2, and 3 (4 and 5 will be delivered when those issues are released). Only one comment per person (you will be disqualified if you comment more than once - you can edit a comment once you leave it though).

Hopefully, I can start doing more of these types of giveaways.  If I can get to NYCC this year, I will definitely be taking issues of VENOM with me to get signed and having another contest later this year.

Once again, thank you all for making this community such a great place and joining in my little hobby.